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Traditional, 2018

"My project for Graded Unit was based on the human condition, focusing on the stereotypes and inequality that women face. Women can be associated with certain symbols and stereotypes of “traditional” female roles. There are, still to this day, associations made concerning women and the kitchen, staying at home, cleaning and cooking. I took the imagery of cooking and food, placing the commodified female flesh within the area of food preparation and consumption. Female flesh can be objectified and seen as possession, so with my artwork I wanted to show that we are all just flesh no matter gender, sexuality, race, religion yet we are still treated unequal.
Dressing the meat in “traditional” female wear was to heighten these stereotypes, making a mockery of the standards women are “required” to meet. I wanted to show a chronological progression of female roles through time and how women have advanced to break barriers of inequality, showing that women are individuals not to be categorised.
The sausages are dressed like the traditional housewife, but with this it also opened up questions about gender identity and a play on phallic forms. The roll of meat was dressed in a bikini, as a move forward in time, women have more freedom to wear what they want but often are objectified especially when wearing more revealing clothing, they can be seen to be “asking for it” in relation to the sexual abuse they receive. Dressing the leg joint in a female suit was to symbolise women being taken more seriously within professional jobs, yet in some professions there is still a wage gap.
I hope my artwork brings a sense of humour to this subject whilst still drawing attention to the inequality that people still face, yet are breaking through each day." (written in 2018)
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